Monday, November 17, 2008

Weight Loss Update

Starting Weight (as of 3rd September 2008): 106.5kgs
Height: 162cms <---Isn't that ridiculous! I think that works out to around 5'2?!
First Goal: To lose 10% of my goal weight- lose 10.7kgs

Current Weight: (As of 12th November): 96.2kgs
Total loss: 9.3kgs
Weight to go before reaching 10% goal weight: 1.4kgs

It's funny- I feel mixed reactions when I see those figures. On the one hand, I feel SELF PRIDE for the first time in years- I never thought I could do that! Even when joining the weight loss group, I seemed resigned to the fact I would probably lose 2kgs at the most, give up, then gorge myself on lindt balls again.

But now? I'm in unchartered territory.

On the other hand, even after losing weight I still feel like it's a hopeless battle, that fat has swallowed my body whole and it's my fate to be the fat girl.

Isn't that ridiculous?!


mskylie said...
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mskylie said...

I've started losing weight aswell, and what I've tried to keep in mind for myself is not to look at what is coming from it or getting too mixed up in the statistics, but focus on how good you feel afterward the workout (or after the wobbly legs have worn off). Take some before and during, and evetually after photos, they make you feel awesome on the bad days.

And hopefully the SNB doesn't make an appearance again, sounds like a biyatch and very unhelpful to anyone.

*I deleted previous comment becuase I didn't want to swear on your blog*

Anonymous said...

Too right you should feel that self pride, you are working your ARSE OFF! literally!

As more weight comes off you will feel less and less that it is your fate to be fat forever, just takes time.

0.7 kgs to go til 10kgs gone wooohooo!