Or rather, dying from exhaustion in the rain!
The sky was grey all Friday, and all day I secretly hoped that Ms A would call and say that bootcamp was cancelled.
Suffice to say, 5.30 came and there was no phone call. So I sucked it up and got myself to Eastern Beach.
I was still holding hope that perhaps Ms A would applaud my devotion and then tell me to go home- but no such luck.
There were probably only 12 of us girls who showed up, and I knew straight away that we were going to work!
Ms A split us into two groups, the fit and the not-so-fit, like she does every week.
Italian Stallion took my group for the first session, and asked us to jog over to the fountain to start our exercises.
I began to jog at a slow pace (my only jogging pace!) and Italian Stallion looked at me, eyebrows raised with suprise and exclaimed, 'You've gotten so much fitter!'
That really shocked me. I guess its because I always feel like its such a struggle- which is really how I should feel If i want this to work.
He had us play a game where we ran up and down hill with weights, in two teams. The idea was one team had to steal weights from the other team, and the team with the most weights won. My team tried hard, we were one person down and my team members were lumped with the most unfit person there (lol) but ultimately lost.
Our penance? We had to run up the steepest hill at the beach, quicker than Italian Stallion or else we had to run up again! Let me tell you, hauling 98 or so (I don't even remember how much I weigh anymore?!) kilograms up a hill that feels like its at a 90 degree angle isnt easy!
I managed to beat him up the hill but I'm pretty sure he showed me a little (or perhaps a lot!) of mercy.
The last part of our session with Italian Stallion was wheelbarrow walking. Wow.
He gave us all different distances to reach- mine was probably only 2 metres. I remember thinking 'Ha!! He does not know the power of Cinderella Big Butt!'
My story changed, however, when I was on my arms with my partner behind holding my legs, with a fantastic few of my, well, behind.
The afore mentioned 98 kilograms all weighing on my flabby, muscle lacking arms?! PAIN! Just pain! No other way to describe it! I made it to my two metre mark, but then on the way back bellyflopped in the mud, unable to carry myself any further!
How gracious and ladylike of me, lol. But then again nothing of this bootcamp experience so far has been gracious or ladylike in the slightest!
We switched groups, and this time we were met by Ms A and L. Have I told you about L?
L was the great trainer who got back my spirits after the SNB debacle. L is stunning- truly one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen. And is she fit or what!!! I like L- she doesnt let me get away with anything- she's a hard one, but isn't rude or arrogant about it.
She does love to dole out the push ups though!

The rain came down harder- It didnt matter anymore, we were soaked to the bone anyhow.
We ran to Ms A, and L gave me the same look Italian Stallion had earlier.
'Far out CBB! You've improved so much!' she smiled, and my heart swelled with pride.
I didnt bask in the glory for long- our next task was to drag GIANT bags filled with sand along the foreshore. I had forgotten how hard it was to run in sand!
We all pushed on, and I could see the other girls were hurting too. And if one of us stopped jogging? 20 pushups!
We ended up doing 5 sets of 20 push ups over that half an hour! I would never ever have thought that was something my body could achieve, but yet here I was.
After bootcamp, I felt absolutely ecstatic. Gone was the feeling of desparation that used to come over me after bootcamp- these must be those famed endorphins!
I weigh in tonight, and will keep you posted. Hopefully I will have good news this week!
You're so much more determined than I am at the moment (with my stupid PhD)!! I need to borrow some self discipline ;)
I love Italian Stallion. I see your blog as like a story that keeps going each week and Italian Stallion is one of my favourite characters.
You do /so/ much better than me with your boot camp. I go to sleep at night with EVery intention of going to the gym in the morning, but when the morning comes, I stay in bed...and if it doesn't happen in the morning, it doesn't happen at all. I think I've only lost weight becuase I eat really well. My main tip of which I'll share with you now; I never go hungry. I started to notice that when I'm hungry, I have bigger meals of mostly bad food. But if I eat an apple the second I'm hungry instead of being like, "I'll just wait for lunch" then what I eat for lunch is usually a much smaller portion size, and I don't ever feel like I'm missing out.
Hope all goes well for your next session!!
You are doing such a good job!
I'm also happy that the snotty b*tch wasn't there this time? Maybe she was fired?
Reading your blog is almost painful because I can almost feel every push up and run. I am so in awe that you are doing this and kicking arse too!
Can you imagine how much fitter you'll feel by Christmas?!
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