I realised I havent even posted a pic of me. Bad blogger!
Hi all!
I feel much more positive about everything at the moment, which is fantastic. Im generally an upbeat person so I won't dwell on my weight gain for this week for two reasons.
1. It's that time of the month. I looked through my records and noticed I put on .7kgs exactly a month ago. Hmmm...co-incidence? Don't think so.
2. I can feel muscle on my arms already. Oh yes, that's right arm fat- there is someone new in town. This may sound ridiculous to those who are already quite fit, but I can actually touch my upper arm and feel muscle straight away. WITHOUT TENSING!
Wooo hoo! So my theory is that surely this muscle has had some effect on my gain this week.
Back on track....
We met at Eastern Beach again and it looked very dreary indeed. The sky was grey and ominous looking....but I went anyway.
I noticed that heaps of people hadn't turned up. Glad to see I'm not the only one lacking motivation!
The first challenge was a jogging a circuit of the hills surrounding the beach. I jogged half of the way and power walked the rest, but didnt feel bad about it this time. Already I can see the gap between myself and the last of the fit girls closing.
Ms A gathered us in and we were each handed a small weight. A lot of the girls got 1kgs, 1.5kgs..luck of the draw saw me handed a 2kg weight. I didn't baulk like I would have last week...just got on with it.
The muscle work outs were intense! We had to have our legs up in the air, the weights in our hands and do sets of crunches. I must admit my legs fell more than once, bu they went straight back up again.
We did partner sit-ups, and Ms A was my partner so I knew that I wouldn't get away with not working, lol!
Normal sit-ups are hard, but she had us place the weights on our chest whilst we did the sit-ups. Far out! That does make it harder! I still managed to do six sets of eleven weighted situps which I was happy with, and wasn;t the most meagre effort in the group so for that I was proud.
The second part of tonights session was...crazy. Half of us were fitted with this craxy harness thing, much like I put on my pug Pokey (pic coming), whilst the other half tok hold of the water ski like grip attached. The idea was the person on the harness ran ahead like a tear away rottweiler, and the others pulled and created some resistance behind, whilst jogging.
So simple to type out, yet so freaking hard to actually do. We ran non stop with resistance for half an hour... but heres the kicker. If any of us stopped, the whole group had to do 20 push ups.
I am amazed, and proud to say I did not stop once. I came close- by god I came close.
Other people did. I felt for them initially (whilst kinda wanting to shoot them for making me do push ups!) but then realised that this was always going to happen- be it me, or someone else, none of these workouts come easy to us.
By the end I had some serious leg wobbles, so much so I had to pull over because I didnt have enough strength left in my legs to push in the clutch!
But you know what, for the first time I feel really great. Not exhausted hours later, not dreading tomorrows muscle soreness, but great!
well hello! Theres your face, and check out those cheekbones!
I have seen people using those bunjee harness things in the park, very funny, but I imagine they are bloody hard work as well!
Yay for you getting better already. I need some of your mojo, please can you post me some? fanks, gill:)
Six sets of eleven sit ups??? Seriously now, that's one helluva fair effort. I struggle past the first 10 let alone doing fifty five more.
Boot camp sounds like much more work than I thought it was, but your blog makes me consider it with you getting such good results so early in the training.
Keep it up man, you're doing awesome.
hey I just wanted to say how inspiring your posts are - your honesty is brilliant!
I can relate to what you're going through, I'm into week 4 of my 'bootcamp' style fitness group and OH MY GOD its been killing me! After my session last night I actually felt good for the first time - buggered but good!
sounds like you're going along great guns :)
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